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[2] Ruishi Si, Yumeng Yao, Xueqian Zhang, Mingyue Liu, Qian Lu, Shah Fahad. Assessing the role of internet in reducing overuse of livestock antibiotics by utilizing combination of novel damage control and 2-SLS: Risk, responsibility, and action. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 2022, 208, 105754.(SCI)

[3] Ruishi Si, Qian Lu, Noshaba Aziz. Does the stability of farmland rental contract & conservation tillage adoption improve family welfare? Empirical insights from Zhangye, China. Land Use Policy, 2021, 107, 105486.(SSCI)

[4]Ruishi Si, Yumeng Yao, Xueqian Zhang, Qian Lu, Noshaba Aziz. Exploring the Role of Contiguous Farmland Cultivation and Adoption of No-Tillage Technology in Improving Transferees’ Income Structure: Evidence from China. Land, 2022, 11, 570.(SSCI)
[5] Ruishi Si, Xueqian Zhang, Yumeng Yao, Qian Lu. Risk Preference, Health Risk Perception, and Environmental Exposure Nexus: Evidence from Rural Women as Pig Breeders, China. Social Indicators Research, 2022, 26, 02837.(SSCI)

[6] Ruishi Si, Yumeng Yao, and Mingyue Liu. Effectiveness of Information Acquisition via the Internet in Standardizing the Use of Antimicrobials by Hog Farmers: Insights from China" Agriculture, 2023, 13(8): 1586.(SCI)

[7] Ruishi Si,YumengYao, XueqianZhang, QianLu, Noshaba Aziz. Investigating the links between vaccination against COVID-19 and public attitudes toward protective countermeasures: Implications for public health. Frontiers in public health, 2021, 10, 702699.(SSCI)

[8] Ruishi Si, Noshaba Aziz, Mingyue Liu, Qian Lu. Natural disaster shock, risk aversion, and corn farmers’ adoption of degradable mulch film:Evidence from Zhangye, China. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 2021, 17(1): 1-19.(SSCI)
[9] Ruishi Si, Qian Lu, Noshaba Aziz. Impact of COVID-19 on residents' willingness to consume wild animals: Empirical insights from China. One Health, 2021, 12, 100240.(SSCI)
[10] Ruishi Si, Xueqian Zhang, Yumeng Yao, Li Liu, Qian Lu. Influence of contract commitment system in reducing information asymmetry, and prevention and control of livestock epidemics: Evidence from pig farmers in China. One Health, 2021, 13, 100302.(SCI)
[11] Ruishi Si, Noshaba Aziz, Ali Raza. Short and long-run causal effects of agriculture, forestry, and other land use on greenhouse gas emissions: evidence from China using VECM approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 07, s11356.(SCI)
[12] Ruishi Si, Xueqian Zhang, Yumeng Yao, Shuxia Zhang, Heng Wang. Unpacking the myth between increased government initiatives and reduced selling of dead live stocks in China: An approach towards exploring hidden danger of zoonotic diseases. One Health, 2021, 12, 100344.(SCI)
[13] Ruishi Si, Meizhi Wang, Qian Lu and Shuxia Zhang. Assessing impact of risk perception and environmental regulation on household carcass waste recycling behaviour in China. Waste Management & Research, 2019, 38(5): 1-9.(SCI)
[14] Ruishi Si, Sitong Pan, Yuxin Yuan, Qian Lu, and Shuxia Zhang. Assessing the impact of environmental regulation on livestock manure waste recycling: Empirical evidence from households in China. Sustainability, 2019, 11(20): 1-17.(SSCI/SCI)

[15] 司瑞石余璇,刘明月等. 休药期制度能够降低中国兽用抗菌药过量使用吗——基于冀鲁豫鄂4省生猪养殖户的实证研究[J/OL]. 农业技术经济,2023:1-18.

[16] 司瑞石周石磊,刘明月. 农村非农就业稳定性对转出户农地流转续约的影响及其机制[J]. 资源科学,2023,45(4):857-871.

[17] 司瑞石张雪倩. 免耕技术采纳对农地转入户家庭收入结构的影响——基于陕西、甘肃、宁夏的微观实证[J]. 干旱区资源与环境,2022,36(07):47-55.

[18] 司瑞石陆迁,张淑霞. 环境规制对养殖户病死猪资源化处理行为的影响——基于河北、河南和湖北的调研数据[J]. 农业技术经济,2020(07):47-60. (CSSCI)

[19] 司瑞石,陆迁,张淑霞. 畜禽养殖废弃物处理技术供给模式创新研究——以病死猪无害化处理技术为例[J]. 农村经济,2019(02):117-122.(CSSCI)
[20] 司瑞石,潘嗣同,袁雨馨,陆迁. 环境规制对养殖户废弃物资源化处理行为的影响研究——基于拓展决策实验分析法的实证[J].干旱区资源与环境,2019,33(09):17-22.(CSSCI)
[21] 司瑞石,陆迁,张淑霞,张强强. 畜禽禁养政策对替代生计策略与养殖户收入的影响[J]. 资源科学,2019,41(04):643-654.(CSSCI)
[22] 司瑞石,陆迁,张强强,于璐. 病死畜禽废弃物资源化利用研究——基于中外立法脉络的视角[J]. 资源科学,2018,40(12):2392-2400.(CSSCI)
[23] 司瑞石,陆迁,张强强,梁虎. 土地流转对农户生产社会化服务需求的影响——基于PSM模型的实证分析[J]. 资源科学,2018,40(09):1762-1772.(CSSCI)
[24] 司瑞石,陆迁,谭永风. 信息资本对农户水土流失治理投入意愿的影响研究——基于黄土高原区1048户农户的数据[J]. 干旱区资源与环境,2018,32(11):41-46.(CSSCI)

[25] 司瑞石陆迁. 风险认知、环境规制与养殖户病死猪无害化处理行为研究. 中国农业出版社,2022.


[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目:生物安全背景下养殖户过量使用抗菌药行为及其矫正机制研究(72103161),主持

[2] 中国博士后科学基金第72批面上资助:养殖户过量使用抗菌药行为的信息干预机制研究:基于信息约束的视角(2022M721733),主持

[3] 陕西省社科基金年度项目:畜牧业高质量发展背景下陕西畜禽标准化规模养殖的驱动机制及政策优化研究(2021D008),主持;

[4] 陕西省社科界重大理论与现实问题研究年度项目:畜牧业高质量发展背景下“陕西羊乳”公共品牌建设路径研究 (2021ND0202),主持

[5] 陕西省社科界重大理论与现实问题研究联合项目:野生动物致损程度评价、补偿标准设计与政策优化研究(20ST-94),主持

[6] 陕西省教育厅人文社科专项项目:补贴+保险挂钩政策促进养殖户无害化处理效果评价与政策优化研究(21JK0203),主持


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2. 管理学或经济学本科背景

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